A Flemish author who decides to write a book about the murder on Kennedy faces a tremendous choice. You always tend to write for your home market and there was a great demand for a good book on Kennedy in Dutch. On the other hand, this case first and foremost interests Americans, meaning the real target market for my book was the American market. That is where its real readership was, where the book would have to contend with hundreds of other books on Kennedy in an almost Darwinistic survival of the fittest struggle. Ultimately I decided to write “Cold Case Kennedy” in Dutch. Your native tongue is the only guarantee, after all, that you will be able to provide the right nuances and these shades of grey are extremely important when writing such a page-turner on such a complex matter. I decided to have my book translated for the American market, which is how I ended up working with Home Office. I kept my fingers crossed as I waited with anxious anticipation for the first sample translations. And I was pleasantly surprised. Their in-house translators were equally well-versed in Dutch and in English and paid the greatest attention to my line of thought, in what was essentially a mammoth task. The outcome was a translation of over 400 pages, within the required deadline, which was translated in a homogenous style, without stylistic differences even though various translators worked on the project. They also had an eye for potential pitfalls. A lieutenant is not an army lieutenant but a police inspector. As we all know, thanks to the unsurpassed Lieutenant Colombo. But the entire tale of the Kennedy case is full of such linguistic pitfalls, which – if translated incorrectly – can undermine the veracity of the text. And then there were the nuances which I had gone to great lengths to add to the Dutch text. Much to my relief, the translation completely exceeded my expectations, echoing the Dutch original. “Cold Case Kennedy” effortlessly survived the confrontation with its critical American readership. This time again, the service and quality were simply outstanding. The translated Lee Harvey Osward files have a five-star rating on Amazon and Vincent Palamara, an eminent authority on the JFK case, who keeps a permanently updated list of the one hundred best books about Kennedy, even ranked “The Lee Harvey Oswald Files” in first place. The fact that my book was listed as the best Kennedy book among scores of other books about this murder is also largely the merit of Home Office. Hat tip to Ludo, Gioia and the entire team.
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